Seting up camp: Are you eating rations, are you hunting? are you choping down a treeto make a fire to cook your hunted meal? are you useing firewood? who's keeping watch? for how long? (remember, spellcasters need 8hours of un-interuped sleep (elf only 4) to get ready to prepare there spells) (You guys need to tell me this without me prompting you.) listen check every hour, done by me. ( 2 orc's (at 11PM first night)
(Next night 4 orcs at 1Am, and a 3 boars at 4pm (Witch provides food in its own right (Survival DC 10 to exstract, need container to store, else goes bad in a day.)
(boar attack)
Man in Dark-Blue/Brown travilers outfit, omes in before the last round, brandishing a rapier (Irish accent)
2 boars left, when one goes down, a hooded, hourse rideing figure comes dashing out of the foriest, a thin blade held like a lance. He rides up to the boar by (name) and skewers it onto his blade. He keeps rideing to the edge of the clearing, then stops is hourse, and turns it around. He removes the hood, and it seams to be a male human, of about 35 years of age, with brown hair and a light beard.
(Irish aceent) Oy! (supprised, and fast) I didn’t notice you there! (he looks down at his sword) This kill should have been yours then. ( slides the boar off of his sword)
Sorry to surprise you, been hunting deer and boar for the last week, since I left Pylos. The names Chadwick.
May I ask who you are me-friend? Jugeing from your dress, I’dd guess your a (lost priest, old fashioned hunter, student looking for Issaic)
You never heard of Issaic me friend? Where did you learn your magic? Issaic’s the best magical expert in a hundred miles. They say the man’s tryed to make himself immortal, but, that be a tricky spell to conjure, even with Issiacs knolage.
(go to issiac) Oh, your interested in learnin’ from ‘im? Oh, I’m shure he’d love to see you, but depends on how good you are at magic. I’m one of his pupils, I could give you a recommendation. But, you’d need to impress me. Do you know the simple (holds out hand, says a single word, and cures closes persons whounds) and do you know the exstrem (on exstreem, a flash of firely light comes from the same hand, but disappears in an instant) Do you?
Well, I think issiac whould love to see you. Problem is, I’m not out here just for hunting. And you three could help me make me job a lot easyer. What do you say?
(adventure) Right on the east side of this furriest are the hills of Dereen, in which, is an old, burned out chirch, overrun by who-knows-what since the attack. In that church is an artefact that interests my teacher. He wishes to study it, and then donate it to the Ray’s of the God’s monastery. I’m not much of a fighter, but, it whould appear you all are. You help me find the Deck of Eternaty, and I’ll take you to Issiac.
(Play adventure two)
Oh, Pylos? Craphole of a town. When it’s not the feather heads pushing you around, it’s the drunken sailers down by the port. I’d swear there all pirates from the way they act. But, me and me son been stuck there for the last twenty three years, and we learn to deal with it.
On top of one of the hills you can just barely make out the outline of a building, the air above it is also clouded with smoke.
After an hour or decending the hills, you come upon the shrine itself. It is indeed, more burned out building than shrine to a saint, and its floorplan looks almost the same as the last, at least as you exsamine it. Suddenly, your notice something move from behind the altar. A glint of sunlight hitting a falkerioun indecent that more of your old friends are back. (1d4 of them).
1d4 standard orcs.
252 gp
As the last orc falls, you start to notice all the other bodys around here. Hundrids of them, Pesents and cleric's alike, scattered along the floor, under the dust caused by the smoke. As you examine them, they are not all, whole. One of the men here has a arm missing, and a women there, beheaded. You are just reminded of Orcish cruelty. Over to the west, you can just see the town of Dowra over the hills.
What do you do?
Dowra: GP limit 2000.
Bury the dead. 100exp.
(look for a trap door) If they say, by the altar, +10 on check (Check DC 15)
It was difficult to find, with all the soot around, but you managed to find another trapdoor in remarkably the same place as last time.
Again, the corrador is 5-feet wide, So I need to know what order you'll be decending, unless your going to establish a standard procedure.
(Players decend)
The staircase is different from last time, instead of curving under the pews, this time it curves to the right, under and out the back of the church. At the end of this hallway is a already-smashed-down door, opening up into a square room. (Room 8)
NPC gear: 4 cure light whoulds( 200gp)
Masterwork light crossbow: 335
(Bolts 20)
Gem's 50gpx4
Room 13.
Inside this room is nothing but a large stone statue, kneeling next to an altar. On that alter is a smaller version of the stature, however, the smaller version seams to be made out of pure silver. next to the statue, on the alter, sits a pile of cards, tarot cards, judging by the looks.
(scene with Palistia)
You don't seam to relies something. The church has betrayed you once again. Himo is dead, and to every messenger leaving Shanedon right now, you are the killers. They know your at this shrine, and they are coming for you. I'dd suggest you leave as quickly as you could.
(Ride for Pylos)
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