Thursday 27 August 2009

1st Adventure, Town and intro

DM: You stand in the city of Shane-don, the capital city of the province of Tenamar, in the Kingdom of Eb-nen-row. You don't remember how you got here, you and your new "Friends" ended up spending alot over at the local tavern last night. All you know is that each of you were all given a ripped piece of parchment a few weeks ago by old friend and family members of yours, written in Celestial, and then told to come here to Shanedon. Of course, none of you knew what it meant until you meant this Sorcerer by the name of Daishi, last night in the Tavern. He has translated it, and had told you it spelled "PHIERAN", of course, none of you knew what THAT meant. The bartender had told you that you that he had heard the word, before, from a priest of the temple of Heironeous, here in town.

So, after deciding that you might as well work together, as your all after the same thing, you'd decided to go to (and are now standing in front of) the Temple of Heironeous. What do you do?

(Go inside)
(ask around town)


Items for sale:

DM: The city of Shanedon, although big, has very few merchants. it's location (Far from central trade roughs) makes it unattractive to most shopkeepers, though you are able to locate three shops that may carry adventuring gear: Jack Smithy, and The Magic Emporium and Usefull-in-bulk.

(Jack Smithy)
All simple weapons and martial weapons, +5 gp Masterwork +350gp.
Ammo for all ranged weapon, bace price
Repair services

(Magic emporium)
Minor potions: anything under 500gp

All divine scrolls/All arcane scrolls )0-lv 15gp each

Usefull in bulk
Backpack x4 2gp
Bedroll 2sp X2
Block and tackle 3gp x5
Chain (10 ft.) 20gp x2
Firewood (per day) 1 cp x infi
Flask (empty) 5cp x10
Ink (1 oz. vial) 7gp x infi
Lantern, bullseye 10gp x3
Manacles 15 gp x5
Oil (1-pint flask) 1sp x infi
Rations, trail (per day) 5sp xinfi
Torch 2cp xinfi
Holy water (flask) 10 gp x 5
Musical instrument 5 gp x 5

(ask around town)
DC 15 Gather Information Check: tell you what barkeep told you.
DC 20 Gather information: Tell you about the temple of Phieran.

(go inside)

DM: As you walk inside this temple, you notice that this is definitely not your average Heironeous temple. Heironeous is known as the "Immortal", yet you see on the walls, paintings of maters, of death, of sacrifice, Things you'd expect to see in a temple of St. Cuthbert, god of retribution.

In found of you is a cleric, wearing Emerald-green vestments. He greets you with a smile, though you notice his disapproving glance at your weapons. He sayes: "Hello, how can I help you?"

(Who are you)
My name is Pangan, I am a cleric of PHI- (Pause) Pelor, yes, Pelor. I help the clerics of Heironeous with there day to day maintenance of the temple, and for directing visitors such as yourself.

PHIERAN? What? oh, I'm sorry, I've never heard that name before, why do you ask?

(Show or tell him your name, and/or show him the note)
Are you Daishi the Sorrceer, and you, (Name) the fighter? Oh, I am so sorry, Sir's, please, let my show you to Himo, he will help you better than I can.

DM: You fallow him upstairs to a large, bare stone room. It whould remind you of a jail cell almost, if were it not for the furnishings. Large, comfortable chairs are arranged in a circle, with a bowl of apples on top of a table in the center. Only, one other person is in this room,a elf with Emerald green robes, though, a ligher shade than the robes worn by the cleric that escorted you here.

He gase's at the chairs, and motions for you all to take a seat.

(Party Sits)
A hello to you all, my name is Himo, how can I help you?

(ask about PHIERAN)

Ah, I assume you got your notes, then. good. How did you end up translating them though?

(Daishi: I did it) or (Player: I did it)

(Looks at player) You can speak Celestial? I very much dought it, as few mortals can, here, what does this read?

DM: Himo takes a pen, and scribles something onto a piece of parchment. He hands it to you.

(Player=understand celestial=write: "1:4 And Heironeous saw the light, that it was good: and Heironeous divided the light from the darkness of Hexor".

(player=lier=write 3 lines of scribbles)

Player fail: You should not lie to a cleric, but that is not what I need you for.......

Player say it beck correctly=

I'm impressed, very few mortals can understand Celestial, but besides that....

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