Thursday, 27 August 2009

1st adventure

Himo looks deeply at all of you. "I sent those notes." he sayes "Because I have received a vision, a vision of death, and sickness, and I require the help of adventures such as yourselves. For, in the burned out ruins of a church's basement, not far from here, lies the Burial Shroud of Palstansta, (a saint of old). the cloke that covered here in death has been blessed with holy might and is rumored to be able to cure any affection of any body that it touches."

He looks around at you again and says "There are many poor and sick in this city, we need the powers of the Shroud to cure them. Also...

DM: Himo looks directly at (Player, closeest to CN) and says:

All I wish for you to return to me is the Shroud, I'm shure there are some things in that old church that you can consider, "Payment" for this expedition.

So, shall I tell you where it is?

(Party agree's)

DM: the elven cleric takes out an old scroll case from under his robes,and unrolles the vellum onto the table. You notice it to be a map of the surrounding countryside, with the city of Shanedon in the center. off to the right, someone had made a big X on the map in red ink.

Himo: That is where you must go, to the burned out chirch of ST. Palstansta. I'm afraid I cannot offer you any more information than this, all of the records and maps were lost when the place was pillaged by orc's not too long ago.

If you need Horses, you are free to borrow the temple's, just tell the stablehand that Himo sent you, and one last thing, Please be carfull, your not the first adventuring group I've sent into those ruins.

Where do you go now?
(Shoping, see table above)
(Ask around town)
DC 20 GI: orcs still in the old ruin.

DM: It seames the priest was good to his word, and (Number of players) magnificent white stallions are parked right inside the stable. You tell the stablehand of Himo, and he helps you all on to your horses.

(Now we ride for the chirch)
The church is about two days ride from here at normal speed, however, you think that you could probability make your horses, get there by sunset. This would tire your houses, for sure, but it may or may not be better then spending a night under the stars.

(Players camp)
(Decide who's on watch, who hunts for food, who cooks)

(listen or spot check every hour for chair on watch)

1AM orc trys to sneak atteck party, if fail, try again at 3AM.

Orc tresure: 150gp, Scail mail with spikes (M) Falchion

(Player's ride) Houses fatigued, cannot ride for 5 hours.

DM: The abandoned Chirch is as as the priest decribed, burned and still smokeing in a few arias, the attack must've happened less than a week ago. As all the wall's are burned, you have no problem mapping the chirch's main floor. You know's that there is a door somewhere that will lead you down into the basement, but where?

Search check DC 10 by the altar, revielled hatch that goes under the asle.
DM: You find a hatch by the alter, covered by soot from the fire that had consumed the pews and walls. a quick check reviles that the hatch still works. What do you do?

DM: It is quite dark down there, and the corridor is not very wide, I'll need the marching order that you'll be in.

DM: You decent down a bit spirally, then laterally, this corridor must run under the aisle. At the end of the corridor is a old wooded door(Smash DC 14). it's stuck, but it dosent look like anyone has been down here in a wile.....

DM: Witch one mighty charge (Name) easily smashes down the door. You find yourself's in a rectangular room. (room4) A femain dworf stairs at you, draws a greataxe, and charges.
NPC gear:
Masterwork greataxe(320 gp)
Masterwork scail mail (175)
(Potion cure light whounds X2 50gp each)

Room 1.
Top door, wooden, strong (break DC 23)

  • mug
  • candelabra
  • bones (humanoid)
  • chair
  • casket
  • pillory
  • statue

In this room, you can seea small table and chair, with a candlelabra on it, there are some humanoid bones lieing near a caskit in the far wall of the room. There is also something shineing out of the caskit. (150sp)

search room: find hidden 6000cp( search 21)

Pit trap in lower left corrner of room

Room two door free and traped

The Door appeares to be locked, however, you here muffing and shuffleing from inside.

The door creeks open, and inside this room you find a small study, with a table, chair, and an elf tyied to the chair!

If you go near here

Reflex save, now!

With a cuuuuu! a wooden gate slams down onto the doorway (3d6 if fail reflex by 5 or more, otherwise trapped in room) (break DC 21, hardness 5, hp 6)

Elf knows Himo, was sent on same mission.

Room 3: iron door (break DC 28, hardness 10, hp 60)
The room must have been sealed for a while now, you find 4 dead orc's inside, and the air smells stale. There is a table with something on it in the center or the room.

On the table, you find 170GP and a composite longbow.

As you leave the room, the iron door closes shut behind you, slowly, but powerfully.

Room 5:
The door to this room is made of wood, but it is stuck. (Break DC 14)

(non-openers get reflex DC 19)

Before you know it, you hit the ground in a pit, dug right before the door. (30ft deep) (3d6)

Inside the room looks to be nothing more than a few roting boxes and crates. (5 pot of curelightwhoulds and 100GP, hidden Search DC 13)

Room 9: Cassy, as you pass buy, you notice that part of the wall looks, off, from the rest of it. (Search DC 5 if she points it out, otherwise DC25.

The stone door lowers into the ground, and a ghoul jumps out and attacks you in the doorway!

In the room is a dead adventurer. He has a backpack on, but other than that, he is barly reconsisable,. He's covered in bitmarks and flys. (backpack=playing cards, mirror and 150sp)

Room 8, all doors wooden and locked (Break DC 21) hp 12, hardness 5.

This looks like a break room. There are crates everywhere, but there is also a large table and chairs with a dice and playing cards, the pot is still on the table too. (200 gp)

Room six, Tomb.

The room is small. There is a stone bed in the center of the room, with a blanket on top of it, covering up something humanoid shaped.

(remove the burial shroud)

Although the blanket is taller than you, it is supriesingly light. You mannage to wrap it up and stuff it in your backpack untill you look back at the stone bed. The saints bones are levitating!
The skull's eye socckets glow a faint green, and they look at you.
What do you do?

(Attack, cast a spell)
Your sword/axe/mace/whatever meets resistance about 3 ft from the bones, witch are now forming into a faint humanoid shape
(Your spell explodes 3ft from the bones, who are rearageing themselfs into humanoid form.

The Bones finish rearangeing themselves, and now stay there, suspended, in mid-air. Skin suddely comes out of nowwheare and surrounds the bones, and Armor and chainmail upon the skin. The skull is engulfed in skin and metal, and the green glow becomes green puples. The Bones/human looks remarkably like the stone paladin from the fountain....

As soon as the Paliden is fully reconstructed, she begins to levitate higher, until touching the ceiling, and then going through it. What do you do?

Go back to town

(Players rode)
Your hources are to tired to go right now, remember, you tired them when you rode here a few hours ago. And the city is roughly 3-4days walk from here.

(get attacked by the two orcs they drove off, using clubs (1d6+3) at 8pm, if they camp)
Orc's drop 300gp

(Players camped)

Getting on your hourses, you find that they are full of energy because you did't ride them all night, and have more than enough energy to carry you back to Shanedon before midnight tonight.

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