Friday 28 August 2009

Adventure 1-2 intermission

You arrive back in Shanedon just before midnight, as expected. All the shops are closed, and it is likely that most of the priests are sleeping as well, though you think that the temple must have a night staff. Or you could end up spending the night at the in. What do you do?


Room: 5sp to sleep on floor with everyone each, or 2gp for a private room with chamber pot.
Breakfast: 50sp for dinner then breakfast (in all, per-person)

Go to the Temple in the darkness.

DM: The Temple's doors are still open, to let in the sick and poor, but it is staffed by the night staff. You mannage to fine one cleric who is not busy tending to the poor. He is dressed in dark green robes, but then again, it just might be the bad lighting. "Yes?" ,he asks, "here to help with feeding the poor?"

Ask about Himo

The High Priest is sleeping, it would be better if you came back in the morning if you need to see him. (The cleric yawns) Now, I'm sorry, but there are a few people here who need my help, and if you (Nunber) have the time, we could always use more hands around here for anything.

Party agrees:
The cleric smiles. Good, we could always use more healers. Or calmers, to reassure the poor. We're short handed on cooks also, please, feel free to help with whatever your good at.

Diplomacy: DC 15
Heal: DC 10
Profession (cooking)/Survival : cooking DC 5, survival, DC 10.

And so begins a night of work at the temple of Heironeous, While (name and name, defalt the clerics) tend to the whoulds of those wounded on the street (name and name, defalt the clerics) talk with the sick and depressed, telling them of grand tails of life, and why its best to live life to the fullest. All the wile, (Name and name, defalt the clerics) and a few clerics have been preparing a fantastic feast for free to everyone, cleric, beggar and adventurer alike, witch ends up as a fantastic breakfast feast.

Fail diplomasy: Though, your soothing words do little to help the emocanaly charged beggers, eventualy they fall asleep out of saidness. One of the clerics helping you turns to you and says, don't worry, its not your falt, a life a poverty will do this to a person.

Fail heal, though you are unable to Completely dress the wound, your not the only one tending to these people. A broken bone here, a slashed nerve there, its a wonder that these people stay alive in such a violent city.

Though, not all your work is in vain, (Name and name, defalt, the clerics) have been preparing a huge feast this whole night, and you all eat what could only be described as a banquet for breakfast. Working all night is not common to your bodies though, and by sunrise, you each end up falling asleep from exhaustion. (+1 rank)

You wake up a wile later to the familiar twinkle of a restoration spell. Standing over you are a few clerics, and over them is Himo, dressed now in white robes.

Himo: Hello. I think a thank you is in order. (Himo [me] shakes everyone hands in order) I just heard that a group of adventures stumbled into here, late at night, and generously offered to help out the night staff with tending to the poor. It is rare that we get volunteers, and we appreciate your help.

(Himo steps back)
Now then, come to the meating room, I wish for you to recount your findings.

(Go to the temple the next morrning)

DM: You enter into the temple. You see a few people leaving the temple also, most of them dressed in louse fabrics/poor clothing. They mumble about how nice the temple staff were to them, feeding them, giveing them a save place to sleep everynight, and how much they love the clerics for doing such a good job. (If one of the PC's helped), change that sentence too:) They mumble about how nice the temple staff and volunteers were to them, feeding them, giveing them a save place to sleep everynight, and how much they love the people who give up there own freadom for the night for doing such a good job. (all good, helping players get a +1morle boast on any check they make that dosent involve breaking the law, and loses this bonis if he/she commits an evil act.)

You ask one of the clerics that you see, and they escort you to Himo's room.

Himo takes(Or has tooken) the chair that he sat in when you last saw him. He smiles at all of you.

Himo: I am happy that you all returned safely, now please, I wish to hear an account of your adventure, what did you do, what did you find?

Players recount adventue:

Himo's commets:

Still smokeing? I'm sorry I sent you there, the gore must have been unbareable, with all the bodys everywhere.

No bodys? odd. But please continue.

In the chest with the rod, did you find anything else?

ah, well, nevermind then, please continure.

What did you find?

(Chirch stuff)
Well, I would prefer if, instead of selling it, you donate it back to the temple, out of good will, but, as adventures, its your choice. Now then, what were you saying about this..(.....)?

(intersperse comments as well)

Floteing bones.

Wait, what? Can you repeat that?

(player repeats him/her self)

So, do you think that the removal of the Shroud caused this?

(yes,no,I dont know)

Hun, well, this is an interesting turn, I shall have to send another team into those ruins at a later time, as well as consult with a few people.

DM: Himo looks back at all of you.

I will need you (Nunber) for the investigation, of course, so I ask you not to leave the city walls untill the investigation team returns here, so you may share your findings, Oh, and one more thing...

I thank you for retriveing the shroud (and for helping to feed the poor) and, guessing that you may be doing work with the Chirch in the future, I ask you if you will allow me to grant you membership with the Temple of Heironeous?

(Party considers)
Membership is not just worship, you know. While the clerics of Heironeous will offer services to all, but often at a price, for Temple maintenance costs. To fellow members of the clergy, however, That fee is often, forgiven, because we know if we were in need of something, our fellow members will offer there services to us.

(Party disagrees)
very well, it's your choice)

(Party agrees)

Very well, I will be able to introduce you into the temple, just as soon as you understand out rule of equals:

We all help each other here. If you need a spell cast, someone razed for the dead, by all means we will be able to help you. Though, in return, we exspect you to help the temple, in any way possible: Volunteering to help with the poor, casting spells on other members behalf, or, I know! because you are adventures, and I dont think you often have enough time for these things, you can donate. If, when you come back from an exploration, you need your whoulds healed, or your friends razed, we will do so, and in exchange, you may decide to donate a small share of you tresure to the Temple hat healed you.

And remember, we offer more than just spells. we offer comfort, hearty food, a place to sleep at night, and Knowledge that the Creator shines over you.

Do you agree to help your fellow clerics, just as they help you?


Very well,

(Name ,full name, if they come up with one), Do you agree to nourish the poor and wounded, help you fellow clerics, and punish evil for its wickedness, though heven or though hell, by the light of good?


Then by the Light of the Holy Heironeous, I welcome you all into the Order of Heironeous, at the rank of (rank). Congradulations.


3. deacon
4. archdeacon
7. High Priest
8. Primate (Appointed a church)
9. Abbot
10. Saint (add Saint template, do quest)

(Shake hands of players)

Now, I have to call the orderly here, so we can discuss your findings, but untill then, you are free to do as you wish, though I'dd prefer it if you stayed within the city walls. Thank you for your time.

DM: ok guys, you have a bit of free time now, untill Himo's orderly gets here. You can spend your days working in the city to earn some monny, you can go shoping, you could volenteer at the temple to do some good will, or you could waste your days away at the inn, drinking yourself into a stupor. I forget if any of you have Item creation feats/ ranks in craft, but if you wann make something, now's the time. You dont all hav eto to the same thing, too. If one of you ones to help at the temple, while the rest of you go drinking, or working, thats ok. And remember, nothing is bad, drinking might make you some friends, and working at the temple whould make you look favorable to the clergy, who may pray in your favor.

(Working at the temple, 1/20 rank gain per night, 75exp x lv every night.
(working for monney: Proffesion (whatever) check week/wage=half check resalt
(drinking 50sp perday, +1 Gather Information after a week. +2 ranks in anything that isn't based in int/wis/cris.

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